[Add-On B2.81] Center view to.... world origin & cursor

Hi all,

I corrected this little addon for everyone (after the “Aldrik” reply on the new “Blender Stack Exchange”).
You can move the view to the world origin without move the cursor position and too return to this cursor.
I think it’s very usefull when you import a dxf file for architecture for example.
I hope Aldrik will become happy and not spiteful against me but I hav’nt found his mail !!!

EDIT: 2020.02.04
Download B2.79: LINK
Download B2.80: LINK

Enjoy with it!

Update: release v0.2

  • Change of 'Basic" panel in 3D View window to stay in Painting mode!
  • Correction of a bug with Shortcuts saved.

very very cool

Hi @raziel_henzo,

U’re welcome!

Nice script, i didnt get it to work in 2.78c so i modified it. Panel shows now in the main toolbar and shortcut works again