Add mesh menu script draw method

i got an operator with an execute part
now i want to add a draw method so that i can show some calculated values
but now i loose all the properties button ?

how can i correct this situation ?

i could add a new panel with draw method and pass all info with global vars!

but not the best method may be!

did one experiment here

what is the difference between

wirediam= FloatProperty(name=“wire diam Inch”,
description=“wire diam Inch”,
default=1.0, min=0.01, max=100.0, options={‘SKIP_SAVE’})

this one does not show up the button !

and this one

val = bpy.props.FloatProperty(min=-1, max=1)

but if i use this type i can see the button


if you don’t overload the draw() method, some default draw code is used for all properties of an operator. If you start with your own draw() method, you’ll have to re-create that draw code, e.g.

layout.prop(self, “myprop”)

isn’t it possible to just call the base method of the super class then?

def draw(self):
    #your drawing code

good point, but the super draw() stems from blender rna:


Wouldn’t know how to call it from python.