Environment texture scaling


I’m trying to scale the environment texture in my scene but no matter how I change the scale factor in the Mapping node, it won’t change or it will distort. What am I doing wrong?


I don’t think you can change the scale this way. The environment texture is kind of projected onto a “virtual”, gigantic sphere surrounding your scene. By changing the scale in the texture mapping, you’re not changing the size of that sphere, but only the texture’s mapping onto it which will necessarily lead to distortion. Reasonable scale values may therefore (imho) only be e.g. -1.000 for x to mirror the environment map horizontally…

Following the sphere idea you could create a “real”, geometry sphere around the scene and map your environment texture to the inside of it. By scaling this sphere the size of the “environment” should change accordingly.

Or you could use the environment texture only for reflections (or lighting, if it’s a HDRI) and add the visible background in post.

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Makes sense! Thanks! :slight_smile:

Here’s a simple node setup for having a different environment for the camera than for reflections, lighting etc.
This is basically a HDRI environment, with a scalable backplate .jpg mapped to camera view - yes, I know they don’t quite match in this case. It’s just for demonstrational purposes…:smiley:


Thanks so much! I guess it should be the Mapping node’s scale value that should change the map size in this case but it doesn’t seem to work for me…

Huh? Yes, it’s the scale value within the camera environment’s mapping that changes the size of the environment image. In addition to that the environment image is “fixed” to the camera: If you zoom in / out, the objects in your scene will (seemingly) change their size in relation to the environment.
