SAVE/LOAD not work if i restart

hello all,

Any1 know why this code not work if i restart my scene in game?

when i start it go good but if restart scene it stops working…

import bge

scene = bge.logic.getCurrentScene()
objects = scene.objects

#set global varialbles instances
if not "properties" in bge.logic.globalDict:
	bge.logic.globalDict["properties"] ={}

if not "position" in bge.logic.globalDict:
	bge.logic.globalDict["position"] ={}

if not "orientation" in bge.logic.globalDict:
	bge.logic.globalDict["orientation"] ={}		

def save():
	controller = bge.logic.getCurrentController()
	owner = controller.owner	
	#sets local properties

	for object in objects:
		if type(object)==bge.types.KX_GameObject:
			bge.logic.globalDict["position"][str(object)] = list(object.worldPosition)
			bge.logic.globalDict["orientation"][str(object)] = list(object.worldOrientation[0]),list(object.worldOrientation[1]),list(object.worldOrientation[2])
			for property in object.getPropertyNames():
				if len(object.getPropertyNames()) > 0:
					bge.logic.globalDict["properties"][str(object)] = {}
					bge.logic.globalDict["properties"][str(object)][property] = object[property]
			#sets position and orientation	  

	print("Saved File")
	endgame = [sens for sens in controller.sensors if type(sens) == bge.types.SCA_KeyboardSensor]
	if len(endgame)>0:
		if endgame[0].key ==
def load():
	#imports properties from the save actuator
	#sets the properties from the globalDict imports

	for ob in bge.logic.globalDict["position"].keys():
		if ob in objects:
			object = objects[ob]
		#sets the orientations from the globalDict imports
			object.worldPosition = tuple(bge.logic.globalDict["position"][ob])
			object.worldOrientation = tuple(bge.logic.globalDict["orientation"][ob])
			if ob in bge.logic.globalDict["properties"]:
				for property in bge.logic.globalDict["properties"][ob].keys():
					object[property] = bge.logic.globalDict["properties"][ob][property]	  
	print("Loaded File")

how i can resolve?

tanks all