Need help setting materials on cubes.

Okay, so iv been working on a visualizer fora week and finally got the baking the sound to an object. but what i want to do is select each existing obj and apply a material to it. this is how i got the obj’s set up.

(prereference: I’d like to use cycles)
what i want to do is take one and apply a color/shader and move onto the next obj.

i already have a for loop that should cover all of the obj’s. and help or comments are much appreciated.


So i just figured out how to select an obj.


and then i added a wildcard to it:


My problem now is selecting each one individually so i can set a certain color/shader to each to form a rainbow.

You don’t really have to ‘select’ an object to operate upon it. You can reference it directly and thus leave the selection in the interface alone.

import bpy

myMaterialName = "myMat"
mat =
mat.diffuse_color = (0.9,0.9,0.9)

ob_list_names = ["Cube", "Cone"] #Generate a list of names.
for ob_name in ob_list_names:
    ob =
    me =

NOTE: If you run this twice, you will continue to append more materials.

Further to what Atom said, plus I started to reply about an hour ago and got sidetracked.

Cycles materials is not my strong suit. Anyway here’s a start, it uses list comprehension to get all the objects in the scene whos name starts with “Cube” adds a material with the cubes name and adds a shadernode. Prob needs to be linked in properly.

import bpy
context = bpy.context
scene = context.scene

cubes = [c for c in scene.objects if"Cube")]

for cube in cubes: = cube
    mat =

    cube.active_material = mat # or as Atom suggested.   
    mat.use_nodes = True
    nodes = mat.node_tree.nodes
    node ='ShaderNodeBsdfDiffuse') 
    node.inputs["Color"].default_value = (1, 0, 0, 1)  #  (r, g, b, a)

hmm so I’m having trouble, I’m trying to make a mix shader work because I want something like a mix shader with emission (because i want a black or dark scene) and glass with a bit of roughness, do you have any tips that could help achieve that? :smiley: y’all have been a big help so far thanks a lot.

The python console can be a real help here.

Set up the nodes how you want the script to, then use the console to find out what to set.

First I set up a simple mix shader node, with a glass and emission node. (manually)

>> o = C.object
>>> m = C.object.active_material
>>> m.node_tree.nodes['Mix Shader'].rna_type.identifier

Then using the console I get the material node tree and can use auto complete to give me options (ctrl - space)
The code above shows where to get the type to add a new node (rna_type.identifier) and I added a new node “Mix.002” to test.

>>>'ShaderNodeMixShader')["Mix Shader.002"]

Have a look at the links The output to the “material output” node

>>> m.node_tree.nodes['Mix Shader'].outputs['Shader'].links[0].to_node["Material Output"]

>>> m.node_tree.nodes['Mix Shader'].outputs['Shader'].links[0].to_socket["Material Output"].inputs[0]

The inputs (notice the autocomplete)

>>> m.node_tree.nodes['Mix Shader'].inputs['
>>> m.node_tree.nodes['Mix Shader'].inputs['Shader']
>>> m.node_tree.nodes['Mix Shader'].inputs['Shader'].link
>>> m.node_tree.nodes['Mix Shader'].inputs['Shader'].links[0].from_
>>> m.node_tree.nodes['Mix Shader'].inputs['Shader'].links[0].from_node["Emission"]

>>> m.node_tree.nodes['Mix Shader'].inputs['Shader'].links[0].from_socket["Emission"].outputs[0]

do the same for the emission and glass nodes then link their inputs and outputs to the appropriate nodes / sockets to emulate the set up.