Some Arch VIZ

Hi this is my second project which I’m sharing with you. I’m looking forward for your comments.
Regards Martin

Is it all modelled in Blender? (no import from a BIM software)
There was a constraint on having an open space full of grass and Alpha trees?
Path tracing or Branched path tracing?
Glass shader or transparent BSDF?

The first image looks way too blur, a lower aperture size can be better.
Second image it has a good composition, the asphalt map seems too big, the planes of the leaves are notisable.
The last it’s too dark in the corners.
Have you seen Emirage’s Pabellon Barcelona?

Yes everything done in Blender, nothing imported from other software.
Lightening is HDRI with trees, but I’ve modeled about 1kmx1km terrain. Then using hair particle I’ve emitted trees and grass.
It was render by simple path tracing, only 200samples.
Glass shader its mixed glass and transparency where mix value is defined by " is shadow ray" from “Light Path” input.
Yes I’ve seen Emirage’s Pabellon Barcelona I wish to have his skills.
Thanks for commenting images.
