Time Managment

I’ve search this topic on the forum, but i did’nt found it.

How can we have the time of the PC, in order to make a real time Clock in GameBlender ?

Thx in advance

import time

actually, you remind me of a .blend in one of the demos
ScreenClock.blend in the 2.12 demos:

yeah… it’s exactly what i wanted…

thx a lot! :smiley:

… but… when i launch the file… it works, but i can’t access to it’s parameter and so, i can’t know how it’s made… :frowning:

ok, i’ve found the answer for those who are interested …


 import time
 build_date = time.strftime ("%Y-%m-%d")
 build_time = time.strftime ("%H:%M:%S")

then ou can have the date in what format you want :smiley: