Implement This?

I need to be able to set the key of a keyboard sensor logic brick though my custom panel. I have the property in the panel but it looks like this enum:

I want it to look like the ‘Key’ field from this logic brick:

Does anyone know how to do it?

The answer is found here:

Set a connected keyboard sensor to accept F1

import bge

co = bge.logic.getCurrentController()

‘Keyboard’ is a keyboard sensor

sensor = co.sensors[“Keyboard”]
sensor.key =

row.prop(kmi, “type”, text="", full_event=True)

full_event=True should do the trick UI-wise

Of course, you may want to fix it up to allow selecting one right from your panel.
You’ll have to use an enum to do this.
I have done one like that:

=== Custom Properties === # These work just like custom properties in ID data blocks

# Extensive information can be found under

# Enum items list
my_items = [
    ("TOOL","Tool","Hand held object location"),
    ("CIRCLE_GESTURE","Circle_gesture","Circle, Keytap, Screentap, Swipe")
myEnumProperty = bpy.props.EnumProperty(name="Leap items:", description="Apply", items=my_items, default="PALM_POS")

Additional buttons displayed on the node.

def draw_buttons(self, context, layout):
    layout.label("Object settings")
    layout = layout
    ob = context.active_object
    row = layout.row()
    row.label(text="", icon='OBJECT_DATA')
    row.prop(ob, "name", text="")
    row = layout.row()
    layout.prop(self, "Location_Id")
    row.prop(ob, "location")
    row = layout.row()
    row.prop(ob, "rotation_euler")
    row = layout.row()
    row.prop(ob, "scale")
    row = layout.label
    layout.label("Frame settings")
    #for id in range(3990):["Leap NodeTree"].nodes["Leap Motion Node.002"].Frame_Id = id
    layout.prop(self, "Frame_Id")
    row = layout.row()
    layout.prop(self, "myEnumProperty")  # This displays the enum Property

and lets you select the one you want to use.
row = layout.row()
layout.label(text= “moveLoc”)
layout.prop(self, “myVector”)
row = layout.row()
layout.prop(self, “Angle_Id”)
row= layout.row()

Your enum will have to be from this type of data:

KeyboardSensor(Sensor)base classes — bpy_struct, Sensor

class bpy.types.KeyboardSensor(Sensor)
Sensor to detect keyboard events
