Matrix Extrude

I have writen the first parts of my matrix extrude script. Right now it is functional in extruding all of the faces of a selected mesh by the values specified by the user.

bring on the trendy c4d “abstract” renders.


this seem interesting…can you please provide some more info or images.

Well…It works like this. Pardon me if I don’t have the most precise terms…I’m working on that too :slight_smile:

I do some math so that the normal of the face becomes the z-axis. then i derive a x and y axis from that. So if you extrude the face 5 units in the z direction, it extrudes 5 units along the normal.

The rotation’s pivot is the midpoint of the extruded face. so if you rotate it 10 degrees in the z-axis, you will get a spinning effect.

Scaling happens at the end. As you move further in the z-axis, the overall delta in z shortens. It’s scaled from the object’s origin.

One easy way is to just test it. Make a cube and have it selected outside of Edit Mode. Then just run the script with the default settings.

My onl;y one complaint is that it is not in real time. Could you some how have it change if a slider is adjusted ? Like the bevel script or the fiber script ? Haveing it in real time would be swanky !

hmmmm…ill have to do something like that. I think I can do something like that.

wow, i’ve tried it and i can say it is impressive.
you gave me the answer to a big question:
how to produce this kind of 3d art?

thank you

nice but forgive my noobness how do i get this to work in blender .
i only see text no download :expressionless:

Right click the above link and ‘save target as’ as a .py file. Next open Blender, change the 3d window to a text window. Click ‘open new’ and select the .py file you downloaded.

When the script loads, as text, press ALT+P with the mouse over the text window. Select the object you want to modify and change the sliders in the GUI.

Much easier with the main Blender window split into 2 or more windows, so you can see the 3d space and the script GUI at the same time.

Popestewart, wicked script. Downloaded and looking forward to any future releases.


hmm when i click extrude it does nothing.

warning : integer argument expected, got float

you by chance aren’t in Edit Mode are you?

Thanks for the encouraging words, when I have some time, I will work on adding the ability to select the faces you would like to extrude.

great script! im having fun with it.

Thank’s for this cool script.
Have you seen the “” script made by JMS ? it does the same thing (and more).

Hi PopeStewart,

thanks a lot for that nice Script -> and here´s an Abstract thing I´ve
rendered today, maybe you like it a little bit, i´ll call it “MicroCosmos” :):

Bye, and keep on the good scripting work dude…