Modeling tips

Once again I would ask help for modeling workflow and tools in Blender.

How would you make/position openings in a wall (3m x 10m) for door and window? I would say that the size of the openings is not the problem, but how to make sure that the openings are in correct place?

Is the best way to use other geometry to cut the “holes” in the wall? Or, is there some addons that could be helpful?

Boolean modifier, Knife project, Knife, Boolean 2d union addon, loopcuts (unfortunately loopcut slide doesnt use snapping).

While loopcut right after creation does not snap, loops do. Create, grab and snap loop at the coord center (wall beginning, next point), then G and enter axis, needed measure.

Thanks for the suggestions! In my thinking maybe the Loop Cut to the end of the geometry and then grab (G) and typing the value works the best.

Just an additional check. Is there some way/addon available in Blender that would allow me to Copy and Slide edges? With Edge Slide I can slide the selected edge but instead of just moving it I would like to duplicate it and them slide it along the geometry.

I believe there is no such “copy” for edges. There is for vertices though - select one and Alt-D with mouse cursor on the edge you want it to copy to. You can directly enter axis and distance right after Alt-D.

If you are after easier methods to create windows or door holes then you can use 2 linked duplicates objects. They are 4 vertice faces, one for duplifaces and another one is for boolean with Solidify modifier.
So basically you snap faces to house faces and that snapped face creates hole AND window or door.
This kind of method is very practical with bigger projects without any loopcuts or advance planning.
Example is windows hassle with 2 linked duplicate objects (one uses duplifaces and another uses boolean).


Thanks for comments JuhaW. Yes, I am mostly after creating windows because quite often I model houses, etc. I will need to do some experimenting.

Anyway, these same challenges of modeling with exact dimensions has been raised in some other threads also. In addition, I would assume that this kind copy edge and slide it on top geometry could be basic functionality. Is there some place or forum where you can suggest additional features or addons to Blender and people can discuss if it fits to “Blender world”?

My challenge is that I have used Google Sketchup for some years and therefore I will need to change my way of modeling quite a lot. Anyway, I would say that there are some features that could be beneficial to Blender users also when thinking about Sketchup.

By the way, really nice house model!

JuhaW, could you please give us some details or sreen copy how you did:
linked duplicate objects (one uses duplifaces and another uses boolean)

You can snap to face in object mode or edit mode, on video I snapped in object mode, duplicate object and snapped again, finally I join all together. You can do that same snap to face thing in edit mode also and no need to join objects together.

Dupliface object has no modifiers, (but Copy Transforms Constraint and target is boolean object) and boolean object has solidify modifier, they share same mesh data = linked duplicate.
Copy Transforms constraint is for that those 2 objects stays together when draggin boolean object in object mode, maybe parenting is another option.
Dupliface object source object is normal mesh object, I did it arch style with 2 materials, normal white and “glass” in Blender internal.

Target object (a house on video) has solidify modifier and last one is Boolean modifier.

Cool your video.
At the begining time 000s which command are you using ?
you created a bool dup.001, there is apparently a constraint with Boo win 001
Can you please explain the type of constraint and give some details on the bool win 001.
Thanks again

At the beginning was left missclick, its 3d cursor tools addon :slight_smile:
Its much simplier than you thought, maybe those what you saw was testing objects, garbage.
You really just need 3 objects, one mesh object to show results (duplifaces) and 2 linked duplicates for dupliface and boolean.

Thanks, I’ll give a try and let you know