Bake texture to new UV Map


I started to make a skin (weapon texture) for CS:GO and used my own UV Map for texturing to make the mapping easier.
Now I want to bake the texture to the UV Map that is given by Valve. I heard that this is possible, but I don’t really know, how. :o
Can someone help me please?

A simple example

I have an object with an UV and a basic texture assigned to it in the Image/UV editor (important, you need to assign a base texture to that final object in the UV/image editor or baking will not work).

This is the object i want to bake on, in your case it the weapon with the original UV

I have a copy of that object on which i made a different UV and created a texture, in your case it’s your copy of the weapon with your own UV and your texture.

For that copied object, i make a material in the material panel, and assign my texture to that material and make sure that material texture mapping coordinate is set to UV (i’m using Blender Render, not Cycles, but i imagine the process is the same)

It’s important to understand that what is going to be baked from that copied object onto the final one is the material texture, that’s why we need to create a material and set its material texture, or nothing would be baked.

Now go to Object mode, select 1st the other object, the one for which you defined the material texture (you can help yourself with the name of the object on the bottom to make sure you selected 1st the other object)

Then hold SHIFT and select the final object in 2nd

Now in the Bake panel, set the to Textures , maybe increase a bit the bleed setting to 16 or more (to avoid some seam problem when object will be seen at a distance), and enable “Selected to Active” to make sure the bake will happen from the 1st selected object onto the 2nd

Then press the Bake button, you should then see the basic texture you previously assigned to the final object being generated following the original UV

Thank you very much for your detailed and quick answer, the baking itself is working now, but there are a few mistakes in the baking:

Where do these white areas around the textures come from and how do I fix this?

It says “origUV” in the UV/image editor which suggests that you used the wrong UV map for baking.

If not, troubleshooting these are likely to require more information. What the textures look like with UV’s, material settings and assignment on the mesh, material texture settings, everything you use to bake.

No, it’s the right UVMap, I called the one from Valve the original.
I really don’t find anything wrong…

You should upload your blend and your texture so people can give a closer look as with just those screenshot i don’t see why it’s happening, i never had such a problem on my own models that i used the bake function for various kind of textures