Posing does not follow vertex groups

i’m currently trying to rig/skin a mesh but when i try to pose one of the arms of my model, the hands move kind of “slower” than the arms do. It should not be a problem with the weight, since the area that is deforming correctly has the same weight (1.0) as the area deforming incorrectly has.
I havent found any solutions on BA or with google, so i’ve started a new thread…

Check the weighting is correct for ALL bones to ensure only the correct bones have the weighting that influence the arm
Ensure you only have one armature modifier
Supply a link to your blend file for further review

I did the weight painting once more and now it works. Might be that i did the mistake (it’s my first real rig…) that i assigned the vertices of the lower arm also to the vertex group of the upper arm or something like that.
But thank you anyways, Richard