how can i rig this piece chariot ?

hallo i have a simple project to animate this piece in chariot how can i do it

Perhaps something like this, don’t know how accurate you need it, just 1 deform bone and a control bone and a simple shape key with a driver to squish it in and out a bit rather than just going down straight, you could fiddle about with it to make it look better but could be a start. I’m sure there are other ways to do it as well. You’ll need to reload it trusted because of the tiny bit of python in the driver.

Maybe a Lattice deformer can do here, adding shape keys and animating.


oh really thanks :smiley:
but any tutorial about it :slight_smile:

Maybe you’ve figured this out already, but…
You’ll want to search with the keywords “blender shape key drivers”
possibly add “tutorial” as well.