Simple Mouse , very easy to use mouse property generator

Mouse input = generates properties x and y

Mouse look = applies properties x and y to rotation,
you could use it for anything though.

I don’t think mouse look can get any simpler.

Edit :-> latest File (new example copies the mouse property in the same frame)


SimpleMouse.blend (502 KB)

1 Like

and here are two rigged mouse look systems, FPS and TPS


SimpleMice.blend (559 KB)

I have been messing around with your mouse look and I am so glade i stumbled on this… One thing though… Your X rotations are inverted… I fixed that with adding two negatives in the scripts… one in the mouselook script Rot[2]-=[-]own[‘x’] the bracketed negative was added And on in the mouselook2 script own[‘Mouse’][‘x’]*=[-]own[‘sensitivity’] the bracketed negative was added…i also added the property sensitivity so i could adjust it in game. I do have to say that it is a very nice clean script and does great…This will will be my new mouse look script in the future! :slight_smile:

Thanks QuickMind! you can always use angle.x-=own[‘x’] instead of angle.x+=own[‘x’]

Bump - Feedback requested!

Also - Note - This is and can be used in 3rd person rigs, using copy rotation or IK :smiley:

think of the ‘head’ as a copy rotation target no collision, and the bottom as the physics bound,

it’s just missing your actor :smiley:


Side note

object.worldPosition = object.parent.worldPosition+(own.parent.worldOrientation*Vector([own[‘x’],own[‘y’],0]))

will work quite well, to move objects in 3d space along a plane.(position control rather then angle)

Added new example usage cases

mouse position (usefull for ik targets and also many other situations (copy position?) or?)


SimpleMiceZ.blend (571 KB)

Looks very good!:wink:

Here is a example of a actor using the simple mouse, and key-press list generator

Simple Actor-


SimpleRig.blend (547 KB)

Update - hollowed out -> Just mouse property generator and a stationary actor example

Just let me know if you need help implementing it.


SimpleMouse.blend (562 KB)

Bump this still workz