Help with FileSelector?

Hello, would someone be able to help me using Blender.Window.FileSelector?
For an import script, the user needs to select two files (metadata and data). Creating two FileSelectors in a row does not work. The most recently created shows up first, and seems to work, but when that goes away, revealing the earlier FileSelector, that one has no button.

So I tried this:


Name: 'TEST'
Blender: 232
Group: 'Import'

import Blender, socket, string, re

def loadData(filename):
    print "loadData"
    print "loading data file %s" % (filename)
    # ... work ...

def loadHDR(filename):
    print "loadHDR"
    print "loading HDR file %s" % (filename)
    # ... work ...
    Blender.Window.FileSelector(loadData, "Load data file")

Blender.Window.FileSelector(loadHDR, "Load HDR file")

But while it appears to work, the loadData callback is never called (those print statements never produce output).

How can I make this work?

Many thanks


This only works with the CVS version of Blender. I recommend to use a gui with three buttons, “select metadata”, “select data” and “import”, where the select buttons each call a fileselector.