Add-on error in blender 2.75, new syntaxis?

Hi guys sorry to bored you, I´m creating a new add-on, almost finished, but now is break in 2.75


for region in bpy.context.area.regions:
if region.type == “WINDOW”: handle = region.callback_add(redraw, (), ‘POST_VIEW’)

AttributeError: ‘Region’ object has not attribute ‘callback_add

Is there a new syntaxis, change of reserved words? any clue?, in 2.74 works flawless :eek:.

Thanks a lot.

Thanks for your answer Campbell Barton.

API changes:
Remove deprecated bpy.types.Region.callback_add, use bpy.types.SpaceView3D.draw_handler_add instead (or any other subclass of bpy.types.Space). 0287b394680441b6836c43b8f01512c1c8e37800