Is the frame a real keyframe?

Hi there!

Is there any way to know if a frame is a keyframe?
I mean, how if I wanna get only the IPO curves values of those frames I inserted transformation info (i-key, “insert key”)?

Does anybody know?

in the ipo window, the white dots on the curves are keyframes.

this should probably be in the animation forum BTW.

I think I didn’t expressed very well: how to do it in a Python script?


scn = Blender.Scene.getCurrent()
context = scn.getRenderingContext()

Is there something like context.getKeyFrame() ?

I’m making a script to export animation.
Since my animation viewer does the interpolation between “states”, I just need the initial and final frames of the animation.
These frames can be identified by looking if they were inserted with that i-key function.

How to know it by scripting?

Found a solution. Thx.

Tsk, tsk… “And the solution is?”

(Remember the ones who will read this thread years from now…)
most of the script i saw was actually exporting a position at each frame.