How to set the same render origin for the character and it's pieces of equipment?

Hello, i’m working on a 2d isometric game using pre-rendered sprites and i want to implement “paper doll” system where different pieces of armor and weapons can be drawn over the basic character sprite in various combinations.
I make it in GameMaker and it uses .sprite files to store the origin and order of the frames(just cropped png images in a folder).
I got a script that render all angles of the animation and make the .sprite files but it doesn’t crop the frames and i have to adjust the origin manually, so that the weapon is drawn in the character’s hand for example.
Here is the script:

import bpyimport os
from math import radians

angle = -45
axis = 2 # z-axis
platform =["RenderPlatform"]
original_path =[0].render.filepath
directory = os.path.dirname(original_path)

image_width =[0].render.resolution_x
image_height =[0].render.resolution_y

base_name = os.path.basename(original_path)
base_rot = platform.rotation_euler

for i in range(0,8):

    # rotate the render platform and all children
    temp_rot = platform.rotation_euler
    temp_rot[axis] = temp_rot[axis] - radians(angle)
    platform.rotation_euler = temp_rot;
    if i == 0:
        direc = "S"
    elif i == 1:
        direc = "SW"
    elif i == 2:
        direc = "W"
    elif i == 3:
        direc = "NW"
    elif i == 4:
        direc = "N"
    elif i == 5:
        direc = "NE"    
    elif i == 6:
        direc = "E"
    elif i == 7:
        direc = "SE"
    name = base_name + direc

    # set the filename direction prefix[0].render.filepath = os.path.join( directory , "images", name + "_#")
    # original_path + "_" + prefix + "_"

    # render animation for this direction
    #write GMS Sprite File
    framecount =[0].frame_end -[0].frame_start
    fname = os.path.join( directory, name + "")
    file = open(fname, 'w')
    file.write("<!--This Document is generated by CMR's Blender Script because the developers of GMS can't be bothered to create better importing.-->
    file.write("  <type>0</type>
    file.write("  <xorig>" + str(round(image_width/2,0)).rstrip('0').rstrip('.') + "</xorig>
    file.write("  <yorigin>" + str(round(image_height/2,0)).rstrip('0').rstrip('.') + "</yorigin>
    file.write("  <colkind>1</colkind>
    file.write("  <coltolerance>0</coltolerance>
    file.write("  <sepmasks>0</sepmasks>
    file.write("  <bboxmode>0</bboxmode>
    file.write("  <bbox_left>0</bbox_left>
    file.write("  <bbox_right>" + str(round(image_width,0)).rstrip('0').rstrip('.') + "</bbox_right>
    file.write("  <bbox_top>0</bbox_top>
    file.write("  <bbox_bottom>" + str(round(image_height,0)).rstrip('0').rstrip('.') + "</bbox_bottom>
    file.write("  <HTile>0</HTile>
    file.write("  <VTile>0</VTile>
    file.write("  <TextureGroups>
    file.write("    <TextureGroup0>0</TextureGroup0>
    file.write("  </TextureGroups>
    file.write("  <For3D>0</For3D>
    file.write("  <width>" + str(round(image_width,0)).rstrip('0').rstrip('.') + "</width>
    file.write("  <height>" + str(round(image_height,0)).rstrip('0').rstrip('.') + "</height>
    file.write("  <frames>
    for j in range(0,framecount+1):
        #file.write('    <frame index="' + str(j) + '">images\')
        file.write('    <frame index="' + str(j) + '">images' + '\\' + name + "_" + str(j) + '.png</frame>
    file.write("  </frames>
    file.close()[0].render.filepath = original_path

base_rot[axis] = 0
platform.rotation_euler = base_rot;

That’s how the pieces look like:
If i can expand the script to give them all the same origin(around the character’s belt) would be great.
Thank you!