Callback Function for left mouse click / cursor position

I want to execute a function everytime the cursor has been moved. Is there a callback function that I can use for this? I tried but this doesn’t seem to work. Any tips?


I’d go for a scene update handler or modal timer op. My tip is post your code.

did you try this?

if event.type == 'MOUSEMOVE':
            #do this
            return {'RUNNING_MODAL'}

Why not just change the key binding to a custom operator, which calls the original operator?

So I want to display the coordinates of the 3d cursor in waxholm space (an anatomical space for the brain). I tried this here

def waxholm_coordinates(scene):    loc = scene.cursor_location
    wx = 268 - loc.x / f
    wy = 623 + loc.y / f
    wz = 248 + loc.z / f
    print("%i, %i, %i" % (wx, wy, wz))
    return Vector((wx, wy, wz))

which works, but the command line runs full. The command is basically executed every fraction of a second. So I was wondering whether there is a way to execute this function only when cursor was moved.

@Albertofx: how do you do that? where do you get event.type from?

@CoDEmanX: can you do that with the 3d cursor? I looked at[0].keyconfigs but could not find anything

Thanks already for your support.

User preferences, input, search for “set 3d cursor”

you can change it programmatically too of course, see e.g.