Particle Edit Shape Object / Shape Cut

Hi everyone,

I’ve been trying to use the Shape Object / Shape Cut feature in Blender’s Particle Edit View for a couple of days but have not had any success. I followed a Google query to the Wiki where there was a paragraph of instruction with several images. I think I followed the directions but when I place a shape around the Head/Hair and Click on the Shape Cut button, ALL OF THE HAIR IS REMOVED?

If anyone has successfully used this feature I would be very interested in how you did so.



Can you post a link to your blend file to review just before you press Shape Cut

Hi Richard,

I’m wrapped for today, I’ll post it tomorrow.


Here is the Blend file -


Move the objects to the grid origin and then try

If you also apply the scale to all objects (Ctrl+A) to get their axis scales back to 1 you’ll get a slightly different result with hair length

Hi Richard, Thanks that would have taken me forever to figure out.