Open world game with multiple connected scenes

I want to make an open world game, where you can switch between scenes. The scenes have multiple rooms (2-10 rooms each) And the areas are combined just as if it was a bigger area. Multiple Scenes are supposed to be combined, so you have the feeling, that they are one big area. I don’t have a problem putting a small loading screen between each section. The problem however is, i can’t enter a scene on the right spot with my character. Instead of putting me on the spot where im coming from, from the other scene it puts me into the default position of the scene. I dont know if you can manage this using logic bricks, but i didnt get it to work yet :frowning: . Maybe there is a possibility to apply a property value to my character when leaving a scene, which decides where my character gets put at into the scene, but i cant seem to implement it. It’d be very helpful if someone could write a script or help me implementing it. i have a small paintin here, to explain better what i mean.