Holes in gameBlender python API

For the past few days I have been learning how to use python in gameBlender, and for the most part I’m finding it pretty self explanatory, however I’m getting confussed over apparent holes in the gameBlender python API.

For instance, there exists the actuator KX_SCA_ReplaceMeshActuator which can replace meshes. This actuator has the 2 methods getMesh() and setMesh(). On the other hand if one where to look at the API for KX_GameObject, one would find getMesh(), but no setMesh().

As I see it, gameBlender has available functionality which simply hasnt been implemented in the gameBlender python API. My question is whether this was done by design or if those methods simply havent been implemented yet.

you essentially only pointed out that functionality is in the logic bricks [the sensors and actuators], not in the python objects themselves

this probably makes some sense from a user prospective, but can annoy us python coders that want to do everything without having to deal with GameLogic.addActiveActuator(act,1)…

so… it was a design choice that the actuators [and sensors?] weren’t implemented in both the logic bricks and the game objects. This seems like a good decision because people new to the python interface don’t have to find that things behave completly different there.

Makes sense.
