Python generator question

Hi, I’d like to know what is the differences between the following ways of returning a generator

def genObj_0(self):
    scene = bge.logic.getCurrentScene()
    return (x for x in scene.objects)

def genObj_1(self):
    scene = bge.logic.getCurrentScene()
    yield [x for x in scene.objects] 

def genObj_2(self):
    scene = bge.logic.getCurrentScene()
    yield from (x for x in scene.objects)

Do they work differently? I’m new to python and generator, the only thing I know is that it isn’t as memory intensive as list does when you iterate them for heavy operation

I think my main question is should I use function to return the generator?( If so then how do I do it correctly? )

Or should I just avoid function altogether? and use list comprehension?

objGen = (x for x in scene.objects)