Need clarification on scripting process

Okay, I’ve scripted a LOT of stuff in the BGE, but
in the standard use for rendering… not so much.

So, in the BGE, I know scripted functions are executed
for each frame as the game is running. When I’m making
a animation for rendered output to file, I’m not exactly
sure how that works.

Referencing a visualizer tutorial, for instance, it shows me
how to programmatically make all my shapes and bake
the f-curves and whatnot. Pretty simple and straightforward.
But it does that all at once when I run the script.

What I need to do is something like that, but I need the process
to do specific things successively frame after frame. I’m
not really sure how that works.

I think what I’m asking is how do I write my script so it
is executed in each frame to setup the adjustments for the
new frame?

I just confused myself with the question…

Thanks in advance!

Afterthought… should the script itself advance the frame
count as it’s processing its functions to apply my changes?

Okay, in the end I found the information I was
looking for by stepping outside of what I’m TRYING
to do and searching for information on what CAN
be done with frame data.

I’ll post the solution and the implementation I found
later (left my data at home :frowning: ). Now that I know how
to retrieve the information I need, it’s on to the glorious
task of figuring out how the heck to USE it. :smiley:

Btw… how do I mark this thread as SOLVED?

Thank you everyone! :wink: