Crash with image textures, locale related?

OS: Linux Mint 17/Qiana KDE on AMD64

Blender Version: 2.74, 2.76b

Engine: Cycles

Tonight Blender started crashing immediately on me every time it tried to draw an image texture in a 3d context. It will show the image in the UV/Image editor, but nowhere else. Rendered 3d view: crash. Material preview pane: crash.

Forcing Blender to recreate the startup files didn’t fix it.

That was all on 2.74, so I suffered through the arduous process of recreating my enviromnent in 2.76b.

The file that originally caused the crash rendered the texture in 2.76b initially, but then went back to crashing. Then I opened another files in 2.76b that I haven’t touched in a couple months (it has several image textures in it): shift-Z crash.

Since I’m running 2.76b from a terminal, I can readily see the console output. This is eveything after I opened the last file that crashed:

warning DM_ensure_tessface: could not create tessfaces from 5528 polygons, dm->type=2
warning DM_ensure_tessface: could not create tessfaces from 5528 polygons, dm->type=2
warning DM_ensure_tessface: could not create tessfaces from 32768 polygons, dm->type=2
warning DM_ensure_tessface: could not create tessfaces from 41472 polygons, dm->type=2
terminate called after throwing an instance of ‘std::runtime_error’
what(): locale::facet::_S_create_c_locale name not valid

I did have an issue where my locale was set to something invalid (en_C.utf-8), which I thought I fixed (back to en_US.utf-8). The last time I upgraded any packages on the system was a couple weeks ago, and haven’t added any add-ons to 2.74 since September.

Is there a way to check that Blender is using the correct locale? If it isn’t, how do I fix that?

$ env|grep LANG

Thanks, Richard. That was just a small slice of what I had to do to get my locales mostly fixed.

Blender will render images again, but I still get locale complaints from Perl in automated environments (e.g, Synaptic).