Online Material Library [Addon]

Over the years I’ve collected & released many materials library’s, I like them & as a hoarder I’ve collected many.
In this collection I’ve focused on Cycles & OSL.

Initially I started out with the above pic, which was my standard format for releasing materials collections on blendswap, but it quickly became too large & prone to crashes.

Using the great addon by mackraken:
I’ve split the categories into files so it’s much more manageable.

Included are 893 materials all named by the convention:
prefix AB_ = Abstract, ST_ = Stone ect…
suffix _G for nodes with Groups
200 Osl materials
100’s of Groups

This is my personal collection & I’ve worked on it for a few years now.
Download the zip, in addons preferences, install from file, explore the endless possibilities.
If I’ve missed you in the credits, pm me.

Lots of thanks. Imagine that these days I was toying with the idea of porting something similar to Poser .mt5 (single material definition) .mc6 (collection of material definitions) to Blender :D. I will start from your (and mackraken’s) work.

Ho! @Meta-Androcto you are an Angel! A so amazing gift for Chrismas 2015!
Great Thanks! :yes:

Was just about to ask you to do this :slight_smile:

(double posted, sorry)

Thank you thank you thank you thank you!!!

blender foundation should make an official libaray (for example on blender cloud). There are too many materials scattered in this forum/on the internet. At the same time, vray/keyshot/even luxrender supply online material access,which make them have a better production efficiency

hi, thanks for the nice reply’s so far :slight_smile:
@YAFU nice thread, I have many but not all of the materials there in the library.
@Oyster yes, but blender does not, so I do this to lessen the pain until there’s a better system. I think everyone is waiting for the Asset Management branch to reach master.

Currently as this materials library is hosted on github, you can checkout the files & maintain a local version.
If you make changes or update some materials, you can send a pull request & I’ll look at updating after testing the materials.
If you don’t use git & want to add a material to the library, just pm me & I’ll look at it or create an issue here:
Other than that, if you d/l the zip, you’ll see on the git pages any history of changes.

I’m of course open to collaborators to help maintain & update materials, if you are interested, send me a pm.

Hi Meta-Androcto
As a newbie to Blender, could I ask you for a more detailed instruction on exactly how and where to install your materials. I have downloaded matlibvx 5-6 and it appears in the properties panel but I am struggling to get materials to appear in it’s window. Any help would be gratefully received. In any event, thanks so much for all the work you have done and are prepared to share.


Richard C

Thanks so much for sharing.
Merry Christmas :):):slight_smile:


Sorry for my bad English … is the fault of Google Translator !!! :smiley:

You dont need to install separately matlibvx. meta-androcto Github repository already include the addon. You simply download the zip file from here (top right: "Download ZIP):

Extract the .zip file and you copy the “materials_library-master” folder where you usually install your blender addons (in Linux if you are using blender 2.76: /home/YOUR_USERNAME/.config/blender/2.76/scripts/addons). Then from the user preferences you search and activate the “Material Library Cycles” addon (which is matlibvx).

@Meta-Androcto, Since some versions of Blender (I guess) when using the addon then appears a small dot in the middle of the scene called “Material_Preview_Dummy / Mesh”. This has visibility, selection and rendering disabled by default:

I have installed the addon from your GitHub repository. Does this happen to you? Do you know if that I mentioned also occurs with the original MatLib addon?

Don’t know how I missed this, thank you. Very helpful.