Blender Renderfarm/Renderfarm Addon

Hey Everyone!

I’m looking to possibly startup another Renderfarm dedicated to Blender or possibly an app/addon that sets up and helps manage renderfarms on cloud services (or possibly a local farm). I’m just at the investigative stages right now. There are cloud services that offer a lot of power for $1 and we aim to take advantage of that.

Our plan is to set it up so the system can be used with Blender and other utilities and try to cover as many functions as possible (for example, baking on the farm for game dev). For other tools, I’d like to be able to have a node or two with After Effects’ AERender.exe set up to help accelerate all my rendering. Between the addon, a web interface, and possibly a desktop app, we want to make it super accessible, cheap, and convenient.

From a technical perspective, we already know it’s feasible and I’ve had some offers for capital to build (it’d be a paid addon or service, but ideally a very cheap one). What I don’t know, is if anyone would use it or if there’s interest in these sort of things here. I’d love it and use it ten times a week, but I don’t know about everyone else.

That said, I have a survey up to see what interest there is in the Blender community. I’d appreciate any feedback you have to give:

Lastly, I hope I have this in the right spot. If not, could a moderator please send me in the right direction?

I think it would be better to ask here
You’ll have to talk to the Motion Graphics people on the forum and for those that do commercial stills.
Maybe also look into cloud based team project management for people working on productions from all over the world.
Storage space, rendering, possibly live VM’s for the teams to work in. Just make sure the VM’s have IOMMU support for
direct communication to the hardware.