Blender import .obj file error

Hello. I don’t really know for sure if there is error like this on this forum, tried to google my answer alone but couldn’t solve it by myself. Please what am I doing wrong? I am trying to import .obj file to blender. I have newest version of blender (2.76b) and for sure I installed later python 3.5.1, still doesn’t work. I am always getting the same error: (attachment)

I am really newbie with bledner and i kindly ask you to help me resolve this. Thank you for your time, with best regards,

We will need to examine the .obj file. Could you upload it somewhere for us to have a look?
Otherwise there’s no way to make sure that it isn’t the .obj file which is non-standard or damaged.

Download and install Meshlab; open your obj file and see if there are some error messages popping up. Export in a new obj file if message says errors are fixed.

Hi, Blender has Python included (3.4), if you neemd it for other things uninstall it.
It is may not a problem but give often problems because it change your system path.
Please upload the .obj, may it is a bug n Blender.
You can check with Meshlap as eppo mention and you can check with Blender 2.77 testbuild2 from:

Cheers, mib

hi, i tried opening different .obj file i downloaded from some random page and that one worked. So i think problem is indeed with my specific file. I downloaded Meshlab and opened it, it had 1 error: Identical vertex indices found in the same faces – faces ignored.

I am trying to get .obj file from OpenStreetMap using OSM2World software. What i did is i exported certain section from OpenStreetMap, exported it, opened that in OSM2World and exported that as .obj file. I found couple tutorials how to do it on YouTube, followed all steps but it works for them but not for me :smiley:

Here is the file:

Export corrected obj file from Meshlab and you’re likely good to go Blender then.

Hi, I can import the .obj in Octane, for example, you in meshlab.
Blender importer should manage this without throw out errors.
Sure you have to clean up mesh later on but should import.
Please make bug report at
You have to register to tracker but need only name and email.
It is not needed to add the .mtl file, it is only for materials, UV mapping.
If nobody report such things it never get fixed.

Please add all information template ask for, blender version, system specs, .obj file and so forth.

Cheers, mib

I have the same problem too.
Blender can not read the obj files created by osm2world
I get this error message

Traceback (most recent call last):
File “D:\zen2016\blender\build\blender-2.77-02cabda-win64\blender-2.77.0-git.02cabda-AMD64\2.77\scripts\addons\”, line 147, in execute
return import_obj.load(context, **keywords)
File “D:\zen2016\blender\build\blender-2.77-02cabda-win64\blender-2.77.0-git.02cabda-AMD64\2.77\scripts\addons\io_scene_obj\”, line 1194, in load
File “D:\zen2016\blender\build\blender-2.77-02cabda-win64\blender-2.77.0-git.02cabda-AMD64\2.77\scripts\addons\io_scene_obj\”, line 693, in create_mesh
me.loops[lidx].normal[:] = verts_nor[0 if (face_noidx is …) else face_noidx]
IndexError: list index out of range
location: <unknown location>:-1

I found a temporary solution for now
I discovered that Cinema4d can read perfectly this obj
export then another obj from C4D
Blender can read perfectly obj files created by C4D
I hope that developers settle the import obj command in blender

Does anyone know what the “help” tickbox stands for in the meshlab export settings window? Couldn’t find any explanation on the internet.

I know this post is old - regardless: from the error - it looks like Blender is saying some indices in the file are referencing vertices (or some other attribute like normals, etc.) that don’t exist. Without seeing the file, I couldn’t tell you which for sure, but it does seem that this is the issue.

I had the same problem: from OpenStreetMap I get obj file using OSM2World software, after I tried to open obj file into Blender and I had the same your problem.
I fixed it modify the file “.obj.mtl”.
I simply changed the commas with points.

Bye :wink: