Custom matcaps

Hi I am collecting Matcaps, I use them in some of my visuals. Now I got that many that I am looking into setting them free on the internet. I am coming from another 3D software but have used Blender for some time now. Cause it’s awesome.

I’ve just posted some short notes on how to use matcaps in blender render and blender cycles. Are these correct. Is there other better setups (especially with cycles)?.



Do any of you use matcaps for other things than for a visual aid while sculpting?


matcaps are also cool for quickly color theming products and product parts

glossy matcap = glossy plastic
chrome matcap = well chrome
diffuse matcap = silicone and rubber

works great in the BI engine so doing openGL screenshots when mapping such textures to the object via the normal orientation.

But this cannot be used with textures!

Hi Cekuhnen,

You mean real UV mapped textures? Well you can blend them in Cycles. But then you kinda need one matcap with only highlight and one with only shadow.

There are absolutely a lot you can’t do with matcaps. But you can also achieve things hard to achieve by other methods.


Hello Sorry for offtopic post, hope you can help me. Is the way to set own matcap in matcap menu?

ok i created a custom build i change /release/datafiles/matcaps/mc10.jpg to my own matcap hope this will as option in future if you are gentoo users - try this