Blender Game Engine Alpha (bug?) plz halp.

Alright, so I’m making some kind of Space game prototype. Looks like this:

Now I have a problem, because those rocks don’t look like asteriods. I’d like to add some space-fog to make it looks more like there’s small rubble going on. So I made a fog-texture in photoshop. Looks like this:

Now when I add that into the game, use any Alpha type (I tried all of them), use premultiplied or straight, it doesn’t matter. it always looks like this:

You see that weird Black outlinish Form? Yeah. Thats my fog.
After trying around and googling and doing everything, apparently my Blender doesn’t handle half-transparent Pixels very well and makes them either 100% transparent, or not transparent at all (or half transparent, since there is SOME transparency)
Now I looked at countless tutorials on how to make transparent Textures for BGE, and every time they go like "Add Texture - Use ZTransparency - Influence Alpha with the Texture.

I did exactly that and tried every possible combination (straight - Mask, premultiplied - mask, etc.)

It’s always the same outcome.

Pls help mee… :frowning:


Really? Noone else has that problem?
Or does everyone have it so this question is just TOO dumb?

Well something that would help those asteroids would be a more rocky texture that’s spread out and some bump mapping, as for your issue, I think you should try messing with the alpha modes under the material, there are options like opaque, add clip, and some others. Also try changing the mixing of the texture from mix to addition/subtract under the texture tab. Could also show us how you have the material and texture set up now?

How are you applying the fog texture? Over the screen, or over the asteroid material?

Adding a blend file would be wise.

On your material settings under Game Settings set Alpha Blend to Alpha Blend, Backface Culling to off,
under the Options on the material settings go to Shadow, receive to off, cast to off. Then on transparency, choose
Z Transparency, alpha to 0, specular to 0. Then on the Texture panel select alpha, set it to 0.9 or 1.0, color on.
Hope that works.

I would add a .blend file, but there are a bunch of sounds and textures n’ shit, and I have no idea if everything will work.
But regardless, I’ll add it.

  • Alright I tried adding a file now for 2 hours, and I’m officially too stupid. every time I click upload, it uploads for 10 minutes, and then nothing. nothing gets added, so here:

I don’t exactly know how to proove you that this is only a .blend file and not a virus, and if that link is a problem, I’ll of course take this post down, but I don’t know how I should add files via attachment, since nothing happens on my end >.<