lucid dream inspired idea for short

This is an idea I have for a short animation, inspired by a lucid dream I had a few weeks ago.

It starts out the character (a red claylike sheep, don’t ask me why, but that is what I was :slight_smile: ) is in the middle of the desert in a sandstorm, and running very quickly (about 40-50mph) it clears the sandstorm about 100m from a seemingly endless ocean with red tinted water and slows down, walks from here on until stated, about 25m off of shore, there is a set of mossy stone spiral stairs, about 4 turns high. at the top is a parapet in a half circle shape facing away from the beach, nestled in the middle of the two outmost pointing stones is a small wooden chest, about 7in wide. The character opens the box and inside is a simple old style golden key resting on red velvet. The sheep takes the key, and the camera rotates up, revealing a huge keyhole in the sky, that quickly fades into view. The sheep takes the key, and puts it into the keyhole, and turns. The sky/horizon swings open to reveal grassy rolling hills at dusk, in a semi dark-blue light. The sky is absolutely void, with only some blue haze. The sheep enters the door created by bthe rift in the horizon, and moves with great speed over forests, hills, and some small lakes/marshes (50-60mph) then the sheep slows, as it aproaches a cliff where the worlds seems to cut off, go to a side view (ther camera has been in first person until now) where it show the sheep standing at the edge of a bottomless cliff, the sheep jumps, and as soon as its feet leave the ground, the void becomes space. The sheep flys into space, and hangs weightlessly for a few seconds, then gravity seems to return, and the sheep sytarts to fall, the camera looks down, and there is a huge nest on the ground that catches the sheep. The sheep breathes deeply and relaxes into the side of the nest, as he does so, the nest fades to his bed( an ikea style futon, the room is simple and has a basic dresser anda window, with soft light coming through), and the sheep is still in the same position, just being supported by blankets now, the camera has viewed the fall into the nest and fade into the bed form a top down perspective, then it zooms in to show that the sheep is sleeping.

Sorry about the punctuation and spelling, that’s what happens when I type fast, I hope you get the idea.

That’s really cool. You should make an anim of it.


Wow you type really well for a red clay sheep! :smiley:

Sounds like a good project for a short though - good luck :slight_smile: