HDR Bloom 2D Filter

This is just an adapted version of this: https://www.shadertoy.com/view/4dcXWs
It’s surprisingly fast, and it looks really good.

Here’s the source code:

uniform sampler2D bgl_RenderedTexture;


uniform float BLOOM_THRESHOLD; <i>// default: 0.7</i>

uniform float BLOOM_INTENSITY; <i>// default: 3.0</i>

uniform int BLUR_ITERATIONS; <i>// default: 3</i>

uniform int BLUR_SUBDIVISIONS; <i>// default: 32</i>

uniform float BLUR_SIZE; <i>// default: 0.03</i>


vec3 getHDR(vec3 tex) {

   <b>return</b> max((tex - BLOOM_THRESHOLD) * BLOOM_INTENSITY, 0.0);


vec3 gaussian(sampler2D sampler, vec2 uv) {

   vec3 sum = vec3(0.0);

   <b>for</b>(int i = 1; i &lt;= BLUR_ITERATIONS; i++) {

       float angle = 360. / float(BLUR_SUBDIVISIONS);

       <b>for</b>(int j = 0; j &lt; BLUR_SUBDIVISIONS; j++) {

           float dist = BLUR_SIZE * (float(i + 1) / float(BLUR_ITERATIONS));

           float s    = sin(angle * float(j));

           float c        = cos(angle * float(j));

           sum += getHDR(texture2D(sampler, uv + vec2(c,s)*dist).xyz);




   <b>return</b> sum * BLOOM_INTENSITY;


vec3 blend(vec3 a, vec3 b) {

   <b>return</b> 1.0 - (1.0 - a) * (1.0 - b);


void main() {

       vec2 uv = gl_TexCoord[0].st;

       vec4 tx = texture2D(bgl_RenderedTexture, uv);

   gl_FragColor.rgb = gaussian(bgl_RenderedTexture, uv);

   gl_FragColor.a   = tx.a;

   gl_FragColor.xyz = blend(tx.rgb, gl_FragColor.rgb);



TwisterGE: very cool :slight_smile: . Remark: you should post the code elsewhere than in pasteall (it will be removed in a few month on pasteall I think)

I tried adding to a .blend but it just seems to render black. Are there any requirements other than the 2d filter?

@Thatimster: the “//// ADD THESE AS PROPERTIES!” part is important! Add every variable between // as properties then set their default values like in the comments.

EDIT: The reason why I didn’t put a demo .blend file is because I used UPBGE, and It might not work on normal Blender.

@TwisterGE you can initialize your uniforms to a default value using standard GLSL initalizer syntax by changing

uniform float BLOOM_THRESHOLD; <i>// default: 0.7</i>


uniform float BLOOM_THRESHOL[I]D = 0.7;</i>

[/I]This will cause the uniform to have this vector as its value, until the user changes it.
Unknown Platform Issue: Some drivers do not implement uniform initializers correctly.

<b>[B]Unknown </b>Platform Issue: Some drivers do not implement uniform initializers correctly.[/B]

That’s my case, I only have OGL 2.1 (Mesa 11.0.4) w/ GLSL 1.2 …

if you want to set the value inside of the shader just use ‘const’

const float BLOOM_THRESHOLD = .7; <i>// default: 0.7</i>

const float BLOOM_INTENSITY = 3.0; <i>// default: 3.0</i>

const int BLUR_ITERATIONS = 3; <i>// default: 3</i>

const int BLUR_SUBDIVISIONS = 32; <i>// default: 32</i>

const float BLUR_SIZE = .03; <i>// default: 0.03</i>

Normally you should not get an error. It just not work.
I am not sure, but I thought since Mesa 11.0.4 uniform initialization should be supported.

By the way. Why do you use such an old version. The actual version is 11.2.2.

I use xorg-edgers PPA for Video Drivers, i thought they were the latest :stuck_out_tongue: If you have any tips on how can I update Mesa, I will appreciate :slight_smile:

sorry for the nerco, but when i went to use this script, i found the forum messed it up, theres the fixed shader (constants version)
bloom.glsl (1.1 KB)

thx for this. I think that a parameter to make the bloom less colorful should be available too


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Woah, didn’t knew you were still around haha