Split Screen?

OK, this will split my text editor screen when run code. ,even if I take out the mouse_x and mouse_y.

bpy.ops.screen.area_split(<i>direction='HORIZONTAL'</i>, <i>factor=0.5</i>, <i>mouse_x=-100</i>, <i>mouse_y=-100</i>) 

This I can’t get to work in custom panel. The buttons appear and it shows one as vertical and one as horizontal in the little popup when you place cursor over it ,but nothing happens when selected. I’m guessing it’s the " factor=0.5, mouse_x=-100, mouse_y=-100" part ,but what the heck do I do with that part of it?

``` class screen_panel(bpy.types.Panel): '''Screen''' bl_category = "Tools" bl_label = "Screen" bl_idname = "Screen" bl_space_type = 'VIEW_3D' bl_region_type = 'TOOLS'
def draw(self, context):
    layout = self.layout
    obj = context.object 

    row = layout.row()
    row.label(text="Screen:", icon='VPAINT_HLT')
    row = layout.row()  

    row_rem = layout.row(align=True)
    row_rem.alignment = 'EXPAND'
    row_rem.operator("screen.area_split", text='Split Screen Horizontal', icon="MESH_PLANE").direction ='HORIZONTAL'
    row_rem = layout.row(align=True)
    row_rem.alignment = 'EXPAND'
    row_rem.operator("screen.area_split", text='Split Screen Vertical', icon="MESH_PLANE").direction = 'VERTICAL'

def register():


def unregister():


if name == “main”:

You mean you want to get access to more than one attribute of the operator?
I think it was possible like this:

op = row.operator(&lt;...&gt;)
op.attr1 = &lt;...&gt;
op.attr2 = &lt;...&gt;

Of course you would use “op.direction” instead of “op.attr1”, etc.