Flatten Mesh to UV

Hey guys,

does anyone have a script that does flatten the mesh to the existing uv map as seen here

Cheers Christian

if you manually split edges to match islands you can then try this snippet -not too smart-
can also work on a duplicated mesh and then merge as shape keys

#### simple uv > co
import bpy
me = bpy.context.object.data
uv_layer = me.uv_layers.active.data

for poly in me.polygons:
    for loop_index in poly.loop_indices:
        i = me.loops[loop_index].vertex_index
        co = uv_layer[loop_index].uv
        me.vertices[i].co[0] = co[0] - 0.5
        me.vertices[i].co[1] = co[1] - 0.5
        me.vertices[i].co[2] = 0

wow, it really works :slight_smile:
such a small script and it does exactly what i need ^^
many thanks liero!!

Please write how to use it. It is very necessary.

you need to unwrap your mesh but also manually split edges (V key) to match uv islands
then duplicate your object -because it will be overwritten- and in object mode run the snippet from a text editor
a quick example: https://db.tt/kWAzckzW
a proper script would need to be smarter, would take care of splitting edges, scaling result and adding it as a shape key

thanks a lot

Well i was looking for this! thanks!

saw a tutorial today using flatten to UV, allowing one to add details and then restoring it using blend shapes in 3ds max.

I tinkered a bit with the script, allowing it to copy the mesh, adding a base shape key, flattening it and adding another key to blend with.

also commented and added some debug code to make it a bit more readable in the console.

#### simple uv > co
import bpy

print("######### Script Starting #########")

bpy.ops.object.duplicate(linked=False, mode='TRANSLATION')
print("Duplicated the object")

me = bpy.context.object.data
uv_layer = me.uv_layers.active.data

print("Added Base shapekey")

for poly in me.polygons:
    for loop_index in poly.loop_indices:
        i = me.loops[loop_index].vertex_index
        co = uv_layer[loop_index].uv
        me.vertices[i].co[0] = co[0] * 2    ## To resize result of UV mesh,
        me.vertices[i].co[1] = co[1] * 2    ## change the multiplied ammount
        me.vertices[i].co[2] = 0
print("Flattened Based on UV")

print("Added Morphed shapekey")

print("######### Script Complete #########")

Thanks, Sharing for this link.

thanksalot mr. Jinxatron
i was searching for something like this for a long time.

No problem :slight_smile:

damn, i can’t recall how i attached my pattern to the flattened uv’s (so that it follows once i transform the uv’s back).
i tried it with the new surface deform modifier now but i always get a “concave polygons” error message.
does anyone know whats causing this problem?


meeeeh.blend (548 KB)