Packton released, tar archiver and ftp program

Last time I was on #blendercoders irc, someone asked for a tar archiver and a ftp program in one, programmed with python. So I digged up my python files, removed the dust and released Packton. A progra able to archive in tar.gz format and ftp it to an account.

Right now you have to set the ftp account settings in the file on top. I had a much better version lying around here, but I can’t find it.

Here a link:

The total program setup is quite messy, much dirs to put files in and such. Notice that files only can be ftp’ed or archived when the are in the same dir as the script, or else you have to type the full system path to the file from drive to dir to file.
It won’t work right now until you type your ip, username and password information in the script, the variables are on the top of the script. It all sounds quite logic to change, just read the stuff. :smiley: