Lee Rosario - Sketchbook

So I just learned what a sketchbook actually is and how to make one on here. Few of recent projects I’m play with lately. Two ferrari concepts, one wheeled, one magnetic lift. A boeing jet 787 I still need to make landing gear for. A robot design i’m not sure what to do with quite yet. I’ve been playing with some architectural design to get a feel for interiors and then finally some industrial design stuff with recording equipment. I’ve always favored the original concept stuff. Then of course playing with some filters and shaders for the compositing/post processing stuff. I don’t always like how “clean” blender looks without some post processing. Learning to get away from that in some work. Not all.


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https://c3.staticflickr.com/9/8864/27938403234_1166e609c4_c.jpgFerrari - Concept by Lee Creative, on Flickr

https://c3.staticflickr.com/9/8864/27938403234_1166e609c4_c.jpgFerrari - Concept by Lee Creative, on Flickr
https://c4.staticflickr.com/9/8834/28477542971_246ba8e18f_c.jpgFerrari - Concept by Lee Creative, on Flickr

https://c8.staticflickr.com/9/8755/28477544991_7dd4a61558_c.jpgFerrari - Concept by Lee Creative, on Flickr

https://c4.staticflickr.com/9/8543/27939950523_a891195dee_c.jpgFerrari - Concept by Lee Creative, on Flickr

Still in development and looking at it to work out the function. Like how would it fly, where the engine would sit and drive the chains gearing the blades that eventually will go in the blade casing. What kind of blades to even design? jet style blades? propeller blades? Is it jet powered or turbine powered? etc etc.

simple life.



https://c7.staticflickr.com/9/8845/28272704030_f0bb54978b_c.jpgMist by Lee Creative, on Flickr