Trouble Locating Script Error

I’ve searched various forums for an answer to this, so I hope it hasn’t been asked before.

I want to load a .obj file called “male.obj”. Here’s the code:

import bpy
from bpy import context
from math import sin, cos, radians

import os

# establish path to model directory
path_to_directory = os.path.join(
    '~/', 'Users', 'jackburker', 'Documents',
    'Code', 'Blender', 'base_models')

path_to_file = os.path.join(path_to_directory, "male.obj")

# Print paths for debug

# Import correct-gender base model

When run from the scripting console, that last line causes an error. Commented out, the script runs (though with no output). Uncommented, I get the message “Python script fail, look in the console for now…”

In Blender 2.77, on OS X El Capitan, I can’t find a system console to open. If I “open” from the terminal, it doesn’t follow the process or give any output; it just opens the app.

I’ve checked the documentation and, as far as I can tell, I’m using the import_scene function correctly.

Any ideas? I’m profoundly stuck.

In Blender 2.77, on OS X El Capitan, I can’t find a system console to open. If I “open” from the terminal, it doesn’t follow the process or give any output; it just opens the app.
You don’t open the .app you should run the blender executable (show package contents)

Thanks! Running it that way it’s a directory error. I’ll see what I can change.