How do I animate an overlay in blender video editor.

Basically the title I want it with pictures please also i’m talking about the internal renderer

Animate what to do what ?

Clearly explain exactly what you want with example blend files etc.
What you have supplied is not satisfactory (again !). Please at least spend more than 15 seconds writing a post. You will get a answer sooner and more importantly not waste other peoples time as they try and drag the appropriate information out of you

animate it to move with a head of a character.

The video editor, by itself, AFAIK cannot do this. You will need to prepare the overlay separately, keyframing its motion by some means, so that when the video editor combines the two “strips” you get the effect that you wish.

To clarify: the video sequence editor basically deals with film strips. It combines “2D raster images,” however those images might have been produced. It doesn’t know anything about 3D.

Not really sure what you want, but If you want for example have an image over an video, you could add the image over the video and make it as long as the video itself. After that add a transform layer to the image and adjust the size and position and keyframe every of those values with the I key. That, of course, can be a really time consuming process. Depending on the footage it could be easier to do that in the motion tracking menu and add for example a plane with an image which moves with the tracking points.

Sounds like the VSE Transform Tool add-on is what you want.

Steve S

I have experimented with that tool in the past, with generally unsatisfactory results. It becomes one of those time-wasters that “you fiddle with, and then you fiddle with some more, and …” :rolleyes:

But you could, for example, animate a plane, and attach your video to that plane as a texture so that it becomes “a floating movie-screen.” The difference being that the position of that plane … as well as any camera-related aspects of what it “sees” as it “looks” at that “floating movie screen” … is being handled in 3D terms. (You can also do alpha masking, handle irregular shapes, and so forth.)

Now, this becomes an image-layer … quick and easy to produce … which will coincide with other material that matches the camera-parameters, 3D positions and so-forth. You won’t have to enter a “tweak loop” :rolleyes: to get the dammed thing to line up.

You could also use the tracker and create a track plane object that can be read in the compositor and its texture (image) can be replaced with what ever you want. It will move according to whatever you track, no fiddling required.