A little help with Custom menu

Hello there

So today i wanted to attempt to create a custom menu to help speed up workflow and lower those clicks.
I dont have much python scripting knowlage and followed along with Jonathan Williamson’s great custom menu tutorial here
now i am attempting to get some of the tools added that i often use.
Here is where im at

Very basic stuff but heres is a quick mock up of what i have in mind to try and get

the shade smooth,flat and set origin were easy enough to add into the script but like i mentioned i dont have much phython knowlage and could do with some coding guru to help or guide me in adding the other tabs.
Iv bn looking through other scripts tryn to break them down but not having much luck on how to add auto smoothing tab or even sure if its possible? and i have managed to add the material tab and not sure where to go from there, so any help would be appreciate.
