Question about Vertex/Edge convolution sliding.

When modelling in mesh mode, I have discovered I can use the <g> + <g> key
combo,with selected vertices or edges, to do some co-respective edge or point sliding,
with related convolution, as selected.

-Can you do this kind of respective convolution location sliding in numeric specifying?
I have found that if I start doing <g> + <g>, my (x,y,z) in the <n> area defaults
back to location only again. How can I specify one axis numeric value with <g> + <g>
convolution enabled? Or do I have to place one empty vertex where I wish, in order to
rely on snap-to?

“co-respective edge sliding”
“related convolution, as selected”
“respective convolution location sliding”
“Numeric specifying”

WHAT??? Can you speak normal English please?

let’s try to stick with the CG world language!

re phrase that in something we can understand and K.I.S.S

happy cl

I can use the <g> + <g> key combo to slide a vertex-connected group of mesh edges.
Particularly, I can do this in a diagonal arrangement where say, at one z-value, my slide
direction is a combination of x and y values.

-I want to know if it is possible to select and start this edit sliding, and then type
in an x value, while keeping a y value or even a z-value co-related. I can
seem to get that to go. Is is possible?

You’re asking if it’s possible to do something you just tried and found out it doesn’t work. Why are you even asking? :eek:

What is it you’re trying to do? That would be an easier way to understand your question.

The slide feature doesn’t accept axis input as far as I’m aware. It relies on the topology of the mesh.

You can only specify distances to move along an edge, or clamp the movement to the edge you’re working on.

use edge transform then you can use local mode like G xx value

happy bl

Can also use a custom orientation

-Is there a way to specify one dimension value with a respect to the other ones, without
resorting to constraints? To type one co-value in, specifically?

Give an example of what you mean.

  • I can use the <g> + <g> key combo when in mesh mode, via vertices or edges, to slide a cross-dimensional, “diagonal” line
    with the mouse in freehand. I can’t see how to type in values in this diagonal freehand mode to attain a location
    precisely. Is there a way?

Depending on the arrangement of the selected vertices you will end up with different results and levels of success.
G+G is a constrained version of SHIFT+V, even when using the task bar options “c” to toggle clamp on/off it restricts direction.

To my knowledge blender doesn’t allow individual “vertex normal” coordinate constraints when moving vertices, it averages the normal direction between selected vertices, this appears to cause erratic results when selecting vertices that do not share common normal vectors, this to me is the underlying issue, if you could constrain based on individual vertex normals instead of taking an average we could slide them across surfaces (not edges) diagonally.

On a cylinder you can select vertices about 3/8th of the circumference and edge slide without issue,
Vertices that sit on the edge of non-planar faces split the angle,
i.e 90 degrees edges have normals at 45 degrees, when the normal direction of individual vertices gets close to 90 degrees issues appear.

Currently to my understanding the best option is “SHIFT+V” along one edge direction then “G+G” alone the other, with both you can use numerical entry, eg “SHIFT+V, 0.5” and “G+G, .5”

I could show you a picture, but you know :slight_smile:

I’ve got it. You need to just “finish” one, place in any position. In the tool shelf, the <t> key area,
there is now a multiplier factor number input which appears, which you can type in to specify your line lenth (depending if you selected one or both edges before pressing (<g> + <g>). To go
beyond the initialy point(s) of the line, that is, to expand, you need to turn off clamp in this menu, having
tentatively finished a line slide by clicking the mouse button <lmb>.