.3mf import and export scripts

Basic .3mf import and export scripts (no textures so far, only mesh).

For import script:

1)BeautifulSoup library should be installed. It is super easy: https://www.crummy.com/software/BeautifulSoup/bs4/doc/#installing-beautiful-soup

2)just type in console:
blender --background --python import.py ‘YOUR_FILE_PATH’ ‘YOUR_FILE_NAME’

For export script:

1)not well-tested yet

2)just type in console:
blender --background --python export.py ‘YOUR_FILE_PATH’ ‘YOUR_FILE_NAME’

Hi all

do I just copy import script open note pad save as import.py into scrips?

Don’t bother, it doesn’t work. When I run the script, I get the error that it cannot get bs4 from beautiful soup. Might be my setup, but it’s easier to just use 3d builder if you run windows.

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yer it’s def a not go