3D text by python script

Is there a way to create and modify 3D text from Python?
I would like to create a 3D text and modify during runtime animation using python script.
Any help will be appreciated.

Thanks in advance

or you can press alt+c, alt+c

3D Text properties aren’t accessible from Python.

This may work only with the current cvs version :

import Blender
print Blender.Text3d.__doc__

Curiously the example is not printed so :

# Blender.Text3 module and the Text3d PyType object

The Blender.Text3d submodule.

Text3d Objects

This module provides access to B{Font} objects in Blender.

  import Blender
  from Blender import Curve, Object, Scene, Text3d
  txt = Text3d.New("MyText")  # create a new Text3d object called MyText
  cur = Scene.getCurrent()    # get current scene
  ob = Object.New('Text')     # make curve object
  ob.link(txt)                # link curve data with this object
  cur.link(ob)                # link object into scene
  ob.makeDisplayList()        # rebuild the display list for this object

Support for 3d text is being made available in the next release. Current cvs builds have some support now.