2 Questions....

I have two Python script Questions( I hope this isn’t N00bish):

  1. How can I make my own python codes

  2. I dowloaded the ldraw to blender thing and it didn’t work.
    Is there any other program for ldraw to convert into blender?

  1. Here are some great tutorials by jms to get you started. They helped me a lot.

  2. Are you talking about this script? I don’t have any lego CAD files, but the script starts up for me.
    There are two ways to start the script:

  • copy the text of the pythonfile to Blender’s text editor and press ALT+P
  • copy the pythonfile to the following folder: the scripts folder in the .blender folder in the folder where you installed blender. Start Blender and go to the scripts window. You’ll find the script in the import section.

Ok , thanks…

I’ll try it today and put in my results.

I am the n00b here so thanks for even answering my question.

You just do not know what this means to me!

It works an i can finnally import and animate my creations!

My next question will be how to animate! I am the newbie!!!