Project Chrono

I found this amazing open source physics engine.

Open source multiphysics is a big deal. I hope the Blender powers that be can be made aware of this, I know multiphysics is on the board for 2.8.

After watching and reading a bit, this reminds me so much of Lagoa. If Blender got this and a nice nodified interface for it, I might finally be able to ditch Softimage.

Looks very cool!
But i am worried about the simulation speed, as they note in the FAQ due to simulation accuracy, they do take quite a hit in the speed department.

I personally really like realtime physics/particle simulations, but accuracy is more important when doing video productions (my main work area)

That’s amazing, I own Alessandro Tassora’s Chrono plugin for Realsoft3d! Made this animation with it many years ago:

Glad to see this new development, I wish them good luck.

whatever… amazing source

A newbie question, It’s posible to translate the chronos calculations to objects in blender and render it whith cycles?

You could possibly bring it into an application that’s already supported, then export a mesh cache, and load that into Blender. But that depends on which applications already have Chrono support.

Very good project, it can be useful for blender.

Like Which softwares?

It looks nice but I’ve found this:

and what’s important is description:

Mass was 15973.8 kg, 154 rigid bodies connected together through 761 bilateral kinematic constraints with collisions being modeled using a total of 544 different convex shapes. The fluid is modeled using 1426663 particles. The fording simulation was 20s long and for a step size h=0.001 s required 59 hours of run time when executed on a 40 core Intel(R) Xeon CPU E5-2650 v3 @ 2.30GHz processor.

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Solidworks! Seems that this stuff is for CAD users who require accuracy after all.

I wonder if Phenomena is in the works as well :smiley:

Is this dead? Interesting stuff