Architectural Rendering

Hello everyone,

I’m working on architectural rendering, and have been enjoying modeling this scene. Still, something about it seems a little off, and I’d like to get some feedback about this project to help make it even better. Any ideas would be very much appreciated.

the details are great and i like the windows reflections. how about ao and a light procedural cloud texture on the surface to give it a little variation.

How are you lighting the scene?

For lighting I am using an environment image.

For Ambient Occlusion, I’m having a hard time finding a sweet spot, where it looks natural - when I tried, it usually looked way over or under developed, and the entire scene had something like a noticeable film grain that I didn’t care for.

For next steps,the only thing I can think to do for realism is to add some grunge, and tone down the brightness of the window frames. Thoughts?

One thing you can change is the camera width. In architecture, normally having a rectangular camera for a rectangular piece of architecture will look more unified. Don’t use square unless it’s a cube-like architecture.

Second, the UV’s by all the middle windows look a little too big for the corresponding ones.

The texture looks a little… Off. Did you add any gloss to it? Everything in the real world has gloss, so if you didn;'t add a gloss shader, I’d recommend doing so. If you did, then turn it up a little bit. Other than that, you have a really nice scene going and I also have to give you props because that module is HARD.

@DeadPon1, that’s a good observation that wasn’t obvious to me until you mentioned it, the UV mapping could use some tweaking. there is gloss on it, but the brightest part of the environment lighting is not right on the model, but just outside of it. I think that either moving the light source to have more contact with the surface will bring out both the bump map and the glossy shader. Thank you very much for the feedback, this is all very helpful!

Looks a little too flat and repetitive, need to break up the monotony. You could use a alpha cloud map mask to the lights, or use a hdri with more overcast clouds to break up the flat lighting and also to give scale more credibility. Think of it like when they do dramatic shots of a building in a horror movie then tone it down by a magnitude or two. You could use a wider camera angle to give it a little more pop. You could add some plants on the balcony to break up the patterns, you could use little bit of hanging ivy here and there. The balcony railing look a little too thick for that scale, could tone it down a tiny bit.

camera is at a odd angle giving appearance of building is about to fall. the light is too evenly distributed as it seems giving it a overly perfect look.

In my humble opinion the windows frames are too white. It doesn’t look very natural.

All the rest looks very good.