Dance of Death

Dance of Death

Faba and me met at the German Blenderday 2015 in Stuttgart and decided to work together. Inspired by Goethes famous ballad „Dance of Death“ we realised a clip in Blender, rendered in Bl. Faba created the figures and made the animations, i drew the textures in Krita und took care of the scenery.

Hope you enjoy the film

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I enjoy the style of rendering! Really nice project you two made! Hopefully next time it is going to be a featured animated short. I imagine how awesome you would do with talking characters!

Very nice job on both the animation and scenery. The rendering and lighting are also very well done and fit in perfectly with this type of project.

Good animation, great atmosphere and awesome short anyway!

Thanks a lot for your positive comments.
Faba created a scene with the figures or our animation.

Thank you for the video. The sketchfab is cool as well, I ll give it a like.

This is great! really… Distinct and very beautiful stlye, lovely animation… Very very awesome work
Could you give me a rough estimate in how long did you manage to make it?

Simply fantastic

Hallo Adam,
to elaborate the concept, style and storyboard we needed nearly two months. Faba worked very intensively in the evenings and during the weekends. Though the rigs and the animations have been rather complicated, the whole project took only a bit more than half a year.

Loved it. 'nuff said.