Water/Fluid Simulator

Hi, this is a simple demo I wrote for BGE. It’s about simulating water surfaces/rippling effect.

I couldn’t get to apply this to a mesh, since the vertex array isn’t ordered. If someone wants to try… :stuck_out_tongue:


ripples_sim.blend (520 KB)

what about using local x and y position to index them correctly?

Because sometimes the grid size in the script != the plane subdivisions. Also it’s not exactly 0, 1, 2… I scale the grid for beauty purposes…
I’m clueless about this :stuck_out_tongue:

can you sort by x value, then all that have the same X sort by Y?

using python sorted?

thinking about how to code now**

vertexList = vertexList sorted by x

XList =[]
for vertex in vertexList:
    if vertex.x not in XList:

(now we know how many columns there are)

master =[]
for entry in XList:
    for vertex in VertexList:
         if vertex.x = entry:

#now master is lists of all objects sharing the same X value

#now where do we go from here ?


[list of vertex in this column]],[Xvalue,
[list of vertex in this column]]]

edit:new thoughts

just get all vertex that share a xy cord?
move them as 1 entity

mathutils kdtree radius search?

I get extremely bad framerate for the regular bge with your ripples_sim.The framerate 5.0-5.2. What about upbge?
I guess i should not expect it to be optimized right?

On my notebook I get constant 60 fps. However the logic calculation time is very high (~10-12 ms) maybe it is to much for your cpu.

I don’t think upbge will give you improvements here.

@TwisterGE: Nice water simulation :slight_smile:

I’m not sure how efficient it can be used in a complete scene (I always thought this kind of calculations a better on the gpu side) but for a demo it’s awesome and probably the caculations would be faster in a fast (pre compiled) language.

wow that is some advanced math there

I got the algorithm from a raytracing tutorial, so… yeah it isn’t optimized :stuck_out_tongue:

As a heightfield sim, you can’t really optimise it much further, save for running it on the GPU (bypassing the bgl library, and running closer to hardware). However, if i recall LostScience, you have said you’re running on integrated graphics and a low end CPU… these sorts of calculations are intensive.

I believe most people have computers like ours.Am i right or wrong?