Wind force field only works in the center of the scene

I am playing with cloth waving in the wind and I have the problem with positioning the force field (wind). It would only affect the mesh (cloth) geometry if the mesh is positioned in the center of the scene. Put in other words, if I move the force field to a different location (so that it could not affect the mesh) the mesh still waves in the wind. If I position both the force field and the mesh to a different location so that the force field would be aimed at the mesh, the mesh is not affected by the force at all. Waving only works when the mesh is positioned in the absolute scene center no matter the actual position of the force field. I am attaching the .blend file where you will find the cloth in the absolute center and the displaced wind source. The cloth is still waving. Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong? Thank you.

blend file:

Hi anoman,

if you set your windforce to tube for example and the Radial Minimum and Maximum you should see some Borders arround the force field. When it is set and you move the force field it only affects the mesh thats inside that borders.