
Blender + SP + AE
Used the great Animation Nodes add-on to create cords and arrays

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Awesome work! I’ve always wondered how to get cords to look that neat. Mind showing your setup?

Great work, and enigmacat has a point! Cords look very nice :slight_smile: Would love to see the setup too :smiley:

Stunning work !!

Very good work!

Awesome! Would love to see your setup for the cords!

looks like the top of a “Filter Queen” – used to sell them

Great piece of art! I get the feeling of this being in a spaceship or something. The only thing I can give feedback on is the chrome to the right looks a bit shiny and too clean to me but that’s nitpicking man. Very well done! Keep it up

Thank you all!
The setup for the cords is a bit hard to grasp if it’s you first time in AN (Animation Nodes).
AN can create mesh or curves out of vertexes, vector points and - particles.
This is a timelapse of such case:

There are templates inside AN to create networks out of particles, but the setup above can give you a curve per particle system and do not mix all particles together.

Top Bar material right here!

good work!

Amazing work!

Awesome :slight_smile: