How to can you stop smooth mesh for revealing faces?


I noticed in particular with one of my project files, some walls just show the faces of the object when moving near or more so away from it.

How can I solve that?

Sounds like witchcraft, your going to need a shrubbery and a pond.

I hope you always see the faces of the object. What else should be visible?

[assuming: object = wall]

I’m referring to the demo I have. When the FP moves towards an object the smoothness temporarily fades away so the faces of the object display.

Salem Massachusetts ?

If I understand it correctly, the faces of his models switch from smooth to flat shading based on proximity. O_o That sounds like a bug.

Or perhaps, extreme subdivision, and no knowledge of the smooth shading setting.

Could you post a .blend so we can test it? Or maybe some pictures?

yes, smooth depends on different things:

  • vertex normal
  • normal map

Could it be you have LOD enabled, and one of your LOD levels has no smooth shading?

Wait you say

Fading? This does not sound like LOD. (the available LOD does not fade).

Could be a shader issue. Are there custom shaders? Nodes materials?

Here is the released file.

When the FP moves towards an object the smoothness temporarily fades away so the faces of the object display.

It did that in the blend you sent me, it was in multitexture, when I switched to GLSL, I didn’t notice it.

From your PM:
The “R” key switches to state 2, where it uses the navmesh to go to the player. Pressing “R” switches the state again to stop the robot from following the player. All the logic is on that collision box that is around the robots tracks, (so it won’t go through walls. I know you hate cubes, you could use the robots mesh, but then the PC would have to calculate much more collisions. Changing the robot to no collision and using a collision box is better. IMHO)

Right GLSL isn’t what I can use due to the file of the blend being 10mb, and on XP it slows down, I just can’t do that on here.

Right so R once then twice to end the follow. Okay. Thanks.

I find it confusing.

I find it confusing.

You think that’s confusing? Yeah it can be. You should see the logic for one of my characters. She has 60 states. can walk in seven different directions, with side animations. (ie. stop. talk on the phone) 7 hats, seven heads(faces) 7 hair styles, 7 shirts, 7 pants, so when she spawns I can get 7 characters from one. A month from now I won’t have a clue as to how I did it. LOL

Not sure what’s up with the smooth shading.

You can also press another key (can’t remember which one, 9 maybe) and the robot will go to the medical bay and stop. That uses nodes to track to, instead of navmesh. Much smoother. :slight_smile:

If I wanted to edit that brick system, I couldn’t work out how to make it so that it just goes to the player when commanded only.

is it a possibility that you have 2 meshes as the wall? in each other(1 smooth 1 flat)?
it looks like that to me.

but never seen such a thing before.
what i suggest is to select all objects and use alt+s to correct the scaling(scale objects in edit mode). I know that scaling can cause some unpleasant effects.